Hutton, K. A., J. L. Koprowski, V. L. Greer, M. I. Alanen, C. A. Schauffert and P. J. Young. 2002. Use of Spruce-Fir and Mixed-Conifer Forests by an Introduced Population of Abert's Squirrels (Sciurus Aberti). The Southwestern Naturalist 48: 257-260.


Kelly A. Hutton
John L. Koprowski
Vicki L. Greer
Marit I. Alanen
Carol A. Schauffert
Paul J. Young

Abert’s squirrels (Sciurus aberti) are thought to depend on ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) for food sources, cover, and nest sites. Records of Abert’s squirrels using other food sources, forest types, and nest trees are rare. In the 1940s, Abert’s squirrels were introduced to ponderosa pine forests on Mount Graham in the Pinaleño Mountains of southeastern Arizona. Since 1989, while studying Mount Graham red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis), we recorded Abert’s squirrel sightings. In over 41,000 field-hours of studying Mount Graham red squirrels, we documented 498 Abert’s squirrel sightings in both mixed-conifer and spruce-fir forests. Behaviors observed included feeding, collecting nest material, nest building, intraspecific chases, and interactions with the endangered red squirrels in this nontraditional habitat.


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