Ganesh Marin
PhD Candidate
I am wildlife ecologist and conservationist, passionate for science, photography and exploration. Currently, I am doing my Ph.D. at the School of Natural Resources and the Environment at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. My doctoral project is focused in the biodiversity, connectivity and management of borderlands wildlife and the effect anthropogenic activity and infrastructures. This project involves KRCL members and is in close collaboration with Cuenca Los Ojos Foundation, Phoenix Zoo Center for Conservation and Santa Lucia Conservancy. The project has three principal aims:
1. Determine how the mammals are crossing or not the federal highway 2 and the border wall.
2. Assess the change in the biodiversity and habitat use of mammals associated with the Cajon Bonito creek, the highway and the border wall in the landscape.
3. Create landscape resistance scenarios for wildlife traffic and establish priority sites for management and mitigation activities along the Federal Highway no. 2 in Mexico.
My main research interests are ecology, mountains, wildlife-human interactions and the conservation of mammals in the Americas, always into the framework of socioecological systems and political ecology. In past projects I worked in collaboration with multinational and transdisciplinary teams with prairie dogs, rodent communities, hibernating bats in Mexico, bats in archaeological zones in Yucatan peninsula, management plans for protected areas and carnivores across Mexico.
I studied biology at the Faculty of Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. For my thesis I updated the population status of the black-tailed prairie dogs in Mexico and used this information to consider prairie dogs as an endangered species in Mexico. Then, I did my masters in ecology science at the Ecology Institute, UNAM, with a project focused in the habitat use of carnivores and the effect of cattle in biodiversity in Northwest Mexico.
Convinced that science should reach broader audiences he has participated in Bioblitz and PhotoArk projects, gave talks to children, students, ranchers, scientists and policy makers, and he is always collaborating with photographers, filmmakers, illustration artists, NGO’s and landowners proud of their work with conservation to spread the beauty and value of wildlands.