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Munroe, K.E., and J.L. Koprowski. 2011. Sociality, Bateman’s gradients and the polygynandrous genetic mating system of round-tailed ground squirrels (Xerospermophilus tereticaudus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65: 1811-1824.
Munroe, K.E., and J.L. Koprowski. 2011. Sociality, Bateman’s gradients and the polygynandrous genetic mating system of round-tailed ground squirrels (Xerospermophilus tereticaudus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65: 1811-1824.
Karen E. Munroe
John L. Koprowski
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about Munroe, K.E., and J.L. Koprowski. 2011. Sociality, Bateman’s gradients and the polygynandrous genetic mating system of round-tailed ground squirrels (Xerospermophilus tereticaudus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 65: 1811-1824.
Munroe, K. E., and J. L. Koprowski. 2014. Levels of social behaviors and genetic structure in a population of round-tailed ground squirrels (Xerospermophilus tereticaudus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68:629-638.
Munroe, K. E., and J. L. Koprowski. 2014. Levels of social behaviors and genetic structure in a population of round-tailed ground squirrels (Xerospermophilus tereticaudus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68:629-638.
Karen E. Munroe
John L. Koprowski
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about Munroe, K. E., and J. L. Koprowski. 2014. Levels of social behaviors and genetic structure in a population of round-tailed ground squirrels (Xerospermophilus tereticaudus). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 68:629-638.
Koprowski, J. L. 1996. Natal philopatry, communal nesting, and kinship in fox squirrels and gray squirrels. Journal of Mammalogy 77(4): 1006-1016.
Koprowski, J. L. 1996. Natal philopatry, communal nesting, and kinship in fox squirrels and gray squirrels. Journal of Mammalogy 77(4): 1006-1016.
John L. Koprowski
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about Koprowski, J. L. 1996. Natal philopatry, communal nesting, and kinship in fox squirrels and gray squirrels. Journal of Mammalogy 77(4): 1006-1016.
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