Pasch, B. S. and J. L. Koprowski. 2005. Correlates of vulnerability in Chiricahua fox squirrels. USDA Forest Service proceedings RMRS-P-36: 426-428.
Chiricahua fox squirrels (Sciurus nayaritensis chiricahuae) are endemic to the Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona. A paucity of natural history information and uncertain conservation status served as impetus for us to initiate a descriptive ecological study of the species. We examined reproductive and population ecology of Chiricahua fox squirrels intermittently from 1994 to 2003. Chiricahua fox squirrels appear to possess 10 of 13 attributes associated with vulnerability to extinction, including low population densities and reduced reproductive capacity. We underscore potential negative impacts of fire suppression on the species and provide direction for future research and management.
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